Wednesday, February 23, 2005

tshirts tshirts tshirts!

I just got a load of tshirts though, fresh and ready for printing! There's already a bit of interest, and I'm setting up a mini-shop at CU on Thursday, but after that it's going to be web sales only!
PLUS! I'm making a special EXCLUSIVE rare green tshirt. More on that later. Spread the word, my friends!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

white ninja

This is my submission for, hopefully it will help spread the word.

Today I discovered Lightning Bolt. They are brilliant like nothing else.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

first new pic for 4 days

Yes, OK, so I need to sit myself down and get some good stuff done.
Seriously, order a t-shirt, you will look SO COOL!
I watched Ju-On: The Grudge yesterday, and it actually gave me a nightmare! I thought that was quite impressive, that hasn't happened for a very long time. If you like scary stuff, watch it. I haven't seen the remake yet but it's supposed to be just as good.
I'm trying to work out how to move A Wezand A Day on from just being a weblog with pictures on it, and into something more substantial, but I'm not sure yet.
Maybe something more like That stuff is brilliant.
Current listening:

Bright Eyes - Digital Ash / Wide Awake
The Fiery Furnaces - the EP
Deerhoof - Panda, Panda, Pan-da!
The Mars Volta (still)
Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

windows x2

Today I reinstalled windows. Well, I tried to, but then it wouldn't let me partition the drive during the process, so then I worried that the whole thing was pointless. Had a few teething problems, don't have a dual boot AT ALL, but now it all seems to be going ok.

Weirdly, today some builders came into the flat to replace our real windows. Hm, juxtapositions.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

dual booterism

I keep telling myself to reinstall my OS so I can have it set as a dual-boot, so I have an OS that doesn't touch the infective pus of the web for when I am making videos.

Monday, February 14, 2005

a bit nippy

today is freezing. that is all.

Sunday, February 13, 2005


Today I made a special awezandaday hoodie which i intend to wear everywhere I go, getting people to go "Oo, what is that site?" so they come here, see my brilliant pictures, and then decide to buy a t-shirt from my shop.

I am thinking about 2 things:

thing "1": rearranging all the past pictures into some kind of searchable archive / photo gallery of sorts.

thing "2": something called "pigtures", which, as the name suggests, will be pictures of pigs. In my head it looks like a series of pig-faces, 5 across by 8 down probably. I think it would make an amazing t-shirt. Watch this space.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


There are 10 types of people in this world:
People who understand binary, and those who don't.

competition entry 1

First entry to the drawing competiton, by Mr D. Young - "Well Done"

Monday, February 07, 2005


OK guys, time to put your scribbling abilities to the test! Lines are now open - send your drawings to Pictures will be posted as soon as possible when recieved. As it is a competition I suppose someone has to win, but I haven't really thought things through enough to work out how that will happen. But anyway, for now, send in your pictures, fans!

vigilance required at all times

What am I doing? Putting up a post when I could be playing Time Crisis? I must be mad. Evil adware is keeping me on my toes constantly looking for sneaky hkey references. It's not right, I tell you. Gone are the days when we just turned on a computer and got on with what we needed to. No, now we have to be VIGILANT!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

beer association

Last night I had a pint of Bass. I haven't had Bass since about 1998 when I used to go to Simple Simon's in Canterbury with Vanners. It was quite an odd moment. Then I had a Worthingtons and a Caffreys, which sort of reminded me of Pepper for some reason. I think I had Caffreys with Pepper in a Wetherspoons once.
Then I had a kebab. I didn't mean to but I walked past a place I hadn't been to before and thought I'd give it a go. It was really nice actually, but the kebab didn't remind me of anything, probably because it seemed to be only beer that was reminding me of things. Thinking about it now, it could have reminded me of Jasper's, where I had my brilliant 19th birthday party, where they did a minging pizza called a Beefy Bite. Wow, that was 6 years ago now.
Then I went home and tried to watch Charade with Audrey Hepburn but gave up after 2 minutes and decided to retire upstairs.

Friday, February 04, 2005

too much tea & computerage

Urrrgh. I just spent ALL DAY in front of the computer drinking tea, updating stuff, emailing people, chatting on MSN...
The tea was nice.
I even got some vague progress done for uni, if getting a list of books to go and look for counts as doing work. Didn't do any more drawings, which is bad.
Oh, but I did watch Farenheit 9/11 which just made me feel sick. I was eating my cheese on toast right when they put up all the graphic pictures of mutitated Iraqis. Now I'm quite angry, and not just because it spoilt my lunch either...!

Well, I now own! That's the site to get namedropping! Make sure that's the address you use now - make sure I get my money's worth! Don't forget to check out the shop and have a think about getting yourself one of my stylish shirts!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

give me all your money!

Look! What's that? Over on the right? Oh, it's a link to my ShirtShop! Yep, that's right - if you've been looking at any of my drawings and thought "hey, that would look ace on a t-shirt," then now's your chance to get hold of your very own official AWEZANDADAY clothing. Go on, get one and spread the word!

let's sell some stuff

Feeling a bit poor so I put some old stuff on eBay to see if I can make some money. Trying to save up for an iPod or whatever... anyone want to buy an old Digital8 camcorder?
64MB memory stick:

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

keep on running

OK so I have a few pics saved up to keep this rolling along now.
Some guy from another blog stumbled onto this page and has actually linked to here from his page, which I found quite funny. He seems to think the pics are really good. Check out his comment from yesterday.
I have an Advanced Introduction to the Library now. Whatever that is supposed to be.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Ok ok OK!!!! New stuff here now. More later.