Saturday, February 05, 2005

beer association

Last night I had a pint of Bass. I haven't had Bass since about 1998 when I used to go to Simple Simon's in Canterbury with Vanners. It was quite an odd moment. Then I had a Worthingtons and a Caffreys, which sort of reminded me of Pepper for some reason. I think I had Caffreys with Pepper in a Wetherspoons once.
Then I had a kebab. I didn't mean to but I walked past a place I hadn't been to before and thought I'd give it a go. It was really nice actually, but the kebab didn't remind me of anything, probably because it seemed to be only beer that was reminding me of things. Thinking about it now, it could have reminded me of Jasper's, where I had my brilliant 19th birthday party, where they did a minging pizza called a Beefy Bite. Wow, that was 6 years ago now.
Then I went home and tried to watch Charade with Audrey Hepburn but gave up after 2 minutes and decided to retire upstairs.