Monday, January 31, 2005

temporary stasis

Apologies for lack of recent wezands. Once my scanner decides to regain functionality we will resume normal service. And it will be worth it. Trust me.

Monday, January 24, 2005

room to breathe

So, after all that traipsing around getting the video stuff recorded and staying up all night to edit it and trying to save it in appropriate formats for them, they end up having problems with the projector and only one thing gets shown during the whole evening. Aaaargh!!!
Still, huge success otherwise. 1,500 young people turned up, not bad for a youth event in Derby. Wait what am I saying, that is unheard of!!! Plus quite a few got saved, so largin' it big time!
Having some time off now, not doing anything at all. It is nice. Uni tomorrow, but today is a great big day off at last.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

professional timewaster

what i was meant to do today:

  • post stuff to student support people
  • get a new hi-fi
  • have a band practice
  • finish video stuff for fame academy tomorrow

what i have managed to get done today:

  • tried to post the stuff but the place was shut
  • got a new hi-fi
  • did several goals on Tony Hawk 4
  • watched 8 mile again
  • Chris had to stay at work so band practice got cancelled
  • spent ages trying to capture the video and still haven't really started editing

maybe I'd better go get it finished now...

Friday, January 21, 2005

sacked, fired, terminated, let go, laid off, disengaged, canned, made redundant...

Today I got sacked from my job. They said they're making cutbacks cos the business is struggling. I could have coped with that as a reason, but then they made a point of making up "negative reasons" for why they were letting me go, and said I had been too slow at my job. This was quite nasty really because if that HAD been the case then the least they could have done was give some warning that my job was in danger if I didn't improve. Anyway at least I get lie-ins now, albeit without any more money. Yes I was pretty angry at first but now I'm used to it. The worst thing is the fact that I live next door to where I used to work. Heh, yeah...

Thursday, January 20, 2005

8 mile

Just watched 8 mile.

Possibly the best thing I have seen for a loooong time. Yes, I was pleased with it.

Also realised I have a thing about starting sentences with capitals. Lower case "i"'s don't count though.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Things are mental at the mo. I go to work then have to walk across town to help video some stuff for this youth event on Sunday and I haven't even had time to edit any of it yet. At least I have this evening free, which makes a nice change. Also the student loan people want me to give them "proof" of my income, whatever that means. Problem is if I don't get it to them by Friday they'll stop giving me money. Argh.

Monday, January 17, 2005

hee hee hee

Went into uni today to check my timetable. I have to go in on Tuesday and Wednesday, but on Tuesday I have to be at work in the morning. Hmmmmhavetogoinmuchbeeearrrrrd. Chexelent.
What You Waiting For, Gwen Stefani
Might Be Stars, The Wannadies
Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Green Day

Sunday, January 16, 2005

conviction time

Bah. God has finally caught up with me! Grrr it would seem I have been becoming a tad idiotic and hence have had to repent of pride. Current issue: Identity as a Christian is useless and in general a bit stupid, especially when mistaken for true identity in Christ. Identity as Christian: goes to church, helps make the tea, sings nice songs, goes to mid week meetings, doesn't do things other people do. Maybe. Unfortunately I seem to have got confused and thought that doing these things constitutes living for the glory of God. (Luke 18:10-14) Whoops. Time to try again.

Despite this the band was amazing this morning and I played my axe like a seraphim.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

radiator headache

Today I didn't get up until 12.45 which is pretty shocking really. Anyway I am not very well so I convinced myself that I must have "needed the rest". The radiator was on a bit high all night so I woke up with one of those horrible heat-headaches / been in bed too long things. I'm also annoyed because I had to find someone to lead worship for me tomorrow morning, because my throat makes me sound like I have been drinking termites. I was really looking forward to it as well. Anyway, this way I gat to play guitar instead, and I do think I shall take my new Christmas present amp to play on. Fun fun FUN.

BRRRATCHHHHIDINGINGINGGGGGAARRRRRRFfzzzzzzzzt. (The "...fzzzzzzzzt" bit is the sound of my crap stock P90 pickups humming thru ridiculous distortion and overdrive.)

Did 2 or 3 missions on GTA3 which gave me a sense of achievement.
Watched Secret Window last night which further confirmed suspicions that Stephen King really can't do endings.

Aaargh tax return form. Must get it done, for when I do they are compelled to send me several hundred quid they owe me! Mmmmm.

Friday, January 14, 2005

My arm

My arm hurts today. Actually it's my shoulder. It feels like something bit it and its tooth snapped off and stayed there. Only that didn't happen, so there's nothing I can do. Ow.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Lost In Translation

I watched it on Saturday. No, actually I started to watch it on Staurday but then had to go to a party so I finished it on Sunday. Anyway, I think I've only just started to process it properly. It's taken me forever to get round to seeing it, and once I had I felt a bit like, "Oh."
Not really in a bad way, but Abi didn't like it and it always affects me if someone doesn't like a film at the exact same time I am trying to absorb it properly.
Anyway, get to the point. I've been reading some reviews which I found helpful, (I tend to read more film reviews AFTER I've seen them than before) and I found it all fit into place in my head and now I'm going mental that I sent the DVD back. I need to see it about another three times I think. What a perfect follow up to The Virgin Suicides. It's the kind of film I would want to watch in exactly the kind of mood I am in right now. (See previous post)

How Interesting. Is it not? That I wrote that stuff and now have realised the reason I felt like that is because I was trying to process a quite complex film and deal with the feelings it had given me. I love it when things like that happen.

If you ain't seen, watch LiT ASAP.

a bit lost

That is how I feel. Having a part time job because you are a student is weird when you don't have term yet, because your job becomes what you actually do, but it only takes up some of my time. There are a million things I want to be doing; getting a new album done, drawing more, getting further on GTA, watching good films and then recommending them to people. Problem is while I try to choose which thing to do, I end up doing nothing in particular and then realise it's the end of the day. Grrah.

And I've lost my blimming book with songs in it so I can't even do any recording.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

red pesto chicken...

...and sun dried tomatoes! That is the sandwich i am eating today. But oddly enough, the most popular one bought in the shop was... homous and roast veg.
Weird, we usually hardly sell any in a week but today I had to make about 6. Also they are a pain to cut up to put on plates for people because all the homousified vegetables splurge out of the sides. Nightmare.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

little addition

Just added a haloscan commenting thing for all y'all to get commenting. Do it.


am ill today. not in a "oo look at my symtoms" way, but in a way where i don't want to have anything to do with anything. i feel like i have some weird flu without *actual* flu. Grrah.
anyway tomorrows picture is one of the best. just you wait. i wait in eagerticipation to see the next dayofhair / hairgrowth.

747 by kent. good tune.

new day new doodle

here he is

Sunday, January 09, 2005


here's another. great stuff. must get drawing some more.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

doodle post

here's the first doodle. i'm going to try to get a new one up as often as possible. in a perfect world it would be every day, making this page well worth everyone visiting frequently. we shall see how things go. first doodles are old ones but have not been seen online yet.

got to start somewhere.

here's my first post, the first wezand, if you will. let's see where this thing goes.