Saturday, January 15, 2005

radiator headache

Today I didn't get up until 12.45 which is pretty shocking really. Anyway I am not very well so I convinced myself that I must have "needed the rest". The radiator was on a bit high all night so I woke up with one of those horrible heat-headaches / been in bed too long things. I'm also annoyed because I had to find someone to lead worship for me tomorrow morning, because my throat makes me sound like I have been drinking termites. I was really looking forward to it as well. Anyway, this way I gat to play guitar instead, and I do think I shall take my new Christmas present amp to play on. Fun fun FUN.

BRRRATCHHHHIDINGINGINGGGGGAARRRRRRFfzzzzzzzzt. (The "...fzzzzzzzzt" bit is the sound of my crap stock P90 pickups humming thru ridiculous distortion and overdrive.)

Did 2 or 3 missions on GTA3 which gave me a sense of achievement.
Watched Secret Window last night which further confirmed suspicions that Stephen King really can't do endings.

Aaargh tax return form. Must get it done, for when I do they are compelled to send me several hundred quid they owe me! Mmmmm.